Thursday 3 September 2015


Does all the information about ETs and inter-dimensional beings on the internet make any sense to you? It surely confuses a lot of people and that is exactly its intention. When you are dealing with things you cannot see and you are not equipped to discern what is good and what is evil, you are save to presume it is evil till proven otherwise. We might never get to the truth of all this but as humanity is developing, our senses are going to function on the higher three etheric levels or vibrations of our physical plan as well as the astral plain and this is where a new evil, but old familiar evil of our past, is going to be encountered again. This encounter we are not prepared for yet and some forces are trying to help us to comprehend what is happening while others are trying to enhance the evil influences.  It might be good to remind you here that just as the physical world is ruled by the laws of physics so we have spiritual-laws in the spiritual word which cannot be broken.
If you are reading this, you probably know or feel in your gut that evil is real. That demons, inter dimensional beings or Extra-terrestrials [ETs] and their human disciples, are real although you do not have any proof of their existence. The reason that you do not have any proof is because of familiarity. It is everywhere around us. We grew up with it. Everything is positive and negative all in one. If a government takes its people to war and millions of people are being slaughtered, are they working for good or for evil? If you are doing something bad, is that not evil? We all have good and bad in us where good influences will bring the good out in us and bad influences will bring the bad out in us. “Show me who your friends are and I shall tell you who you are”, as my Mother used to say. 
If a government takes a nation to war to combat “evil forces”, is that an evil act or their duty? If you are attacked by somebody armed with a knife and in the struggle you manage to overcome him and managed to kill him with his own knife to protect yourself, is that evil? It is but, sometimes good has to fight evil up to a point. I say up to a point because everything is relative and it all depends how much evil is still left in you. You have a choice and can always refuse to go and fight in a war. You do not have to go to war to get rid of the evil in you by trying to be a hero. Will Jesus, who is a good example of the ultimate developed human being, will He go to war? Off course not, because he is not playing the game anymore. He has freed himself from the games of the controllers and he wants us to follow in his footsteps. Sadly, we are not there yet and most of us will still see it as our duty to fight if another nation invades our nation or country.
All this evil happenings in this world, the wars, corruptions in governments and business and even on  religious levels, are all part of the great game to develop humanity and as you develop spiritually you learn to participate less and less in this madness because you will see it for the  madness it is. We live in this madness and are part of it. I know a lot of you feel like me and refuse to be part of this and want to go and sit in the light and not pay attention to evil, but part of your development as a spiritual being is to face up to the evil in you and to learn to understand it, and by understanding to completely overcome and rid yourself of it for ever. Master DK taught us that there are different levels of evil, even up into the higher spiritual levels and that each initiation the soul is going through is in reality a conquest over a higher form of evil up to the ninth initiation and even beyond. Even the Masters of Wisdom, the Gods, the planetary and solar Logi, or any spirit in manifestation on the seven planes of our evolution has some kind of evil to conquer. So evil will be part of your spiritual journey up to the end, where good and evil becomes one. That is why that we cannot judge the workings of our spiritual leaders or the entities that are ruling this world and other worlds. Their good deeds or spiritual deeds are in many cases evil to us but still under the control of spiritual laws and the authority of higher spiritual beings. When the gods dish out “punishment and retribution” it is evil to us. When they destroy civilisations that has outlived their times and purposes, so that the new can come in and build a new and better civilisation, it is evil to us in the beginning. You get the picture of what I am trying to say here. What is good for you might be evil to somebody else and the other way around. Everything that helps you going forward in life in some way is good for you and everything that retards your progress in life or hampers your evolution [in a physical or spiritual way] is evil for you.
We all know by now, or have heard about this secret government or cabal and the secret deals done by some governments with ETs for technology that they have kept, and are still keeping, secret from the rest of the people in this world. Many of our leaders are working with this secret elite, but then as always, we have those who are not in league with them.  
Some people are trying to proof control, of this elite, through research into the history of the world starting with the Ancient Sumerians, the gods of Babylon, Egyptians, the Pharaohs, the Old Testament, and the Hindu gods. I am not going to take the reader through all this but I want to tell you that it is wrong to came to the conclusion that our fearful gods of antiquity, so well known for their cruelty in wars, sexual orgies and transgressions, drinking of blood, human sacrifice and all kinds of evil that a civilised person cannot think of, are also our creators who came from other planets and dimensions. Some people are trying to proof that one of their methods of creation was through, the tempering with our DNA, in the same way some alien races are doing now in the USA apparently with the knowledge and help of the government and the ruling cabal.  In short our ancient evil masters are back in control with the help of the cabal that are being controlled from other dimensions. If this was true, about our DNA, there would have been no need for evolution. They forget that we have the evolution of the physical body as well as the evolution of spirit in our world to cope with.
We had good and evil creators and that is way we are both good and evil, as you know. Only evil can create evil while the good creates good and that is why we are dual. We have a positive [holy] soul in a negative [evil] body. In the Bailey material they never mentioned names when it comes to these evil ones or creators, they never even mentioned the names of the good creators and talked more about forces than anything else. In the SECRET DOCTRINE and in ISIS UNVEILED we can read all about the entities and who they are. I might go there at a later stage but not now. I first want to show to the reader that Master DK did mention or talked about them if you know how to look for it. He knows that too much knowledge about the evil side is not good for anybody unless you are savvy enough to figure it out for yourself, and thus will be able to handle it.
I just want to proof through Bailey’s work, because it is the only esoteric source that I trust one hundred present, that the cabal, the aliens from Syria, and other solar systems mentioned by some people, and that we read about so much on the internet, especially those that are being channelled by some mediums, are the same as the ones of our past; the ones who ruled Sodom and Gomora, Babylon, Atlantis and so on. The same evils have been with us basically for ever. What is their true agenda? Well, the news is not good. They are back, in fact never left but are again planning to appear into the open as in the days before the flood, the days of Atlantis and Samaria and during the times of the Hindu Gods. A great tribulation is on its way for humanity and it is not going to be good. We can prepare our children. The following abstracts from DK’s work alone should give the esoteric mind enough proof of the evil that is about to strike the world in our or our children’s future. People like David Icke, and others who are maybe taking this sometimes a bit too far, are here to worn humanity in theirthey. Just remember we have the White Brotherhood and ‘other powerful entities on our side to prevent things from going too far. The only question is: “what is too far?’, and it is not for us to ask, we can only trust. Everything is under control, always was and always will be.
In the beginning – good meets evil [My headings –Edgeba]
 ABSTRACT1: All manifestation is a prison for spirit.                              
“And the angels which kept not their first estate but left their habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great day.” [Jude 6 – the Bible] and this means simply that the “Angels,” doomed [volunteered] to incarnation, are in the chains of flesh and matter under the darkness of ignorance, till the “Great Day,” which will come as always after the seventh round, after the expiration of the “Week,” on the Seventh Sabbath, or in the post-Manvantaric Nirvana. [End of evolution on this planet] [THE SECRET DOCTRINE V2, P491]
Thus, we were in chains or slavery to materialism from the beginning and were not enslaved by some ET race or Inter-dimensional entity as some people on the Internet want us to believe. If you overcome darkness and ignorance, nothing can keep you here and evil is only here to tempt, teach and test us to make us worthy of illumination. The following abstracts will show how evil worked in the past and is still working today and how everything is controlled by Spirit.
ABSTRACT 2: The Prodigal Son
It was the coming into incarnation of the spiritually self-conscious human being which is the inciting cause of the present conflict. Had the sons of God not "come in unto the daughters of men" (which is the Biblical and symbolic way of expressing the great relationship between spirit and matter which was established in the human kingdom), had the spiritual entities which are humanity itself not taken unto themselves material forms, and had the positive spiritual element not attached itself to the negative material aspect, the present world conflict would not be taking place. But the divine plan of evolution was based upon the production of this relationship between spiritually conscious man and the form aspect, and thus the great Law of Duality came into action, bringing about the "fall of the angels," as they descended from their sinless and free state of existence in order to develop full divine awareness upon earth, through the medium of material incarnation and the use of the principle of mind. This was the divine plan, emanating from the Mind of God and swept into activity and progressive unfoldment by an act of His Will. At its inception, there took place the original "war in the heavens," when the sons of God who responded to the divine urge to experience, to serve and to sacrifice, separated themselves from the sons of God who responded to no such inspiration but who chose to stay in their original and high state of being. To this truth, Christ Himself bore witness in the story of the Prodigal Son and his relationship to his elder brother, who had not left the Father's home. It is obvious, is it not, from this parable, where the approbation of the Father lay; a careful study of this story and an intuitive understanding of its implications may evoke someday a response to the "sin of experience," as it has been called, and a comprehension of the two major laws governing the process: the Law of Evolution and the Law of Rebirth. Here lies the prime initiating cause of what is taking place today. [THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY, p119]
ABSTRACT 3: Evil from three main channelsAgain, the Members of the Hierarchy are not only sensitive to impression from the two other planetary centres (Shamballa and Humanity), but They are acutely aware of the Forces of Evil which are fighting furiously against the externalisation of the spiritual work. The energy which cosmic evil generates is active along three main channels:
1. From the centre of cosmic evil upon the cosmic astral plane. Of this centre you can know nothing, and its emanations and its magnetic aura can only be understood and recognised or interpreted by the senior Masters and by initiates of still higher rank. As the potency of the astral plane (which is so familiar to us all) weakens, and glamour and illusion are negated by a rapid spiritualising of humanity, the power of cosmic evil will correspondingly weaken and the Forces of Evil will be unable to reach the planet with their present easy effort. It is against the impact of this emanating evil that the Hierarchy stands in protection of humanity. Hitherto it has been the task of Shamballa, working through the Hierarchy, to protect humanity from the "intention to destroy" of the cosmic Forces of Evil, but—in the coming cycle and as a result of the triumph of the Forces of Light in the world war—the potency of Shamballa can be combined with that of the "protecting Agents of Light."
 2. From the Black Lodge which is the externalisation of the centre of cosmic evil on Earth. Just as the White Lodge is the representative or correspondence of the cosmic centre of light upon Sirius (the true Great White Lodge), so the Black Lodge is also representative of ancient and cosmic evil. The Black Lodge is also far more advanced in externalisation than is the White Lodge, because materialism and matter are, for it, the line of least resistance. The Black Lodge is therefore far more firmly anchored upon the physical plane than is the Hierarchy. It requires a much greater effort for the White Lodge to "clothe itself in matter and work and walk on material levels" than for the Black Lodge. Owing, however, to the spiritual growth of mankind and to the steady, even if slow, orientation of mankind to the spiritual Hierarchy, the time has come when the Hierarchy can materialise and meet the enemy of good upon an even footing; the Hierarchy need not be further handicapped by working in substance whilst the Forces of Evil work both in substance and in matter. Once the reappearance of the Christ and of the Hierarchy is an accomplished fact, these Forces of Evil face sure defeat. The reason for this is that the trend of human living and thought is turning steadily towards the subjective spiritual values, even if these values are interpreted in terms of material well-being at present and of better living conditions for all—with peace and security also for all. The Black Lodge or the planetary centre of evil works almost entirely upon the astral plane, and is impressed directly and guided in detail from the cosmic astral plane.
3. From the negative or purely material forces of the planet, which are not necessarily either good or bad but which have been used instinctually and oft unconsciously by humanity for purely material ends, and are therefore basically anti-spiritual and subject to the influence of human desire—a desire oriented towards selfishness, and therefore towards separateness. This form of evil is being combated today by the New Group of World Servers. Of this battle you know something because every thinking man and woman is immediately implicated.
I have spoken of the evil present in the planet in very simple terms, and there are phases of it to which I have not referred; the interlocking and inter-penetrating of the grades of evil are far more numerous and intricate than you surmise.
In summing up, I would say that the present reorientation of the Hierarchy, in relation both to Shamballa and to Humanity, ushers in the cycle of complete defeat of cosmic evil upon our planet, leaving only an isolated and weakened Black Lodge to die a slow death; this permits the purification of human desire to such an extent that "matter will be redeemed by the sacrificial will of Those Who know, by the will-to-good of Those Who are, and by the goodwill of those sons of men who have turned their faces to the light and who in turn reflect that light."

ABSTRACT 4: Good and evil kings of Mythology who became “Gods”.
The whole History of this period is allegorized in the Ramayana, which is the mystic narrative in epic form of the struggle between Rama—the first king of divine dynasty of the early Aryans—and Ravana, the symbolical personation of the Atlantean [lanka] race. The former were the incarnations of the Solar Gods; the latter, of the lunar Devas. This was the great battle between Good and Evil, between white and black magic, for the supremacy of the divine forces, or of the lower terrestrial, or cosmic powers.
 So, cosmic and lower terrestrial influences are evil to spirit and meant to be overcome by the personality who has progressed enough.


Tuesday 5 May 2015



One day, in the year 1926, on a hillside at the edge of a beech forest in a secluded valley in the West of England; as I was seeking ardently to enter the Sanctuary of Nature’s hidden life, for me the heavens suddenly became filled with light. My consciousness was caught up into a realm radiant with that light which never was on land or sea. Gradually I realised the presence of a great Angelic Being, who was doubtless responsible for my elevated state. From his mind to mine there began to flow a stream of ideas concerning the life, the force and the consciousness of the universe and their self-expression as angels and as men. This description is not strictly accurate, however, because during such communication, the sense of duality was reduced to a minimum. Rather did the two centres of consciousness, those of the angle and myself, become almost co-existent, temporarily forming one “being” within which the stream of ideas arose. This, I believe, is essentially true of all interchanges which occur above the level of the formal mind, and especially at those of spiritual Wisdom and spiritual Will. In the latter, duality virtually disappears and oneness, uttermost interior unity, alone remains.
Daily entering that realm of light, I found that the great ocean of the life, the force and the soul of the universe had its myriad denizens. These are the Spiritual Selves of men and Super-men and the vast company of the Angelic Hosts, of which the Being who “addressed” me was a member. He was supernally beautiful, majestic, godlike, and impressive and impersonal to the last degree. As teacher to pupil, he began to tell of – and to enable me, with gradually increasing clarity, to perceive – the Angelic Hosts, their Orders and degrees. He told of their communion with men, as in ancient Greece, Egypt and Eastern lands, their place in Nature as Ministers of the Most High and of that great dawn of creation when, metaphorically, as the Morning Stars they sang together and as the Sons of God they shouted for joy. He spoke of the creative process as the composition and performance of a celestial symphony, of the Logos as Divine Musician and of His universe as a manifestation of celestial harmony. He told of the great Gods who assimilate the mighty creative chords in their primordial potency and relay them through all their ranks from the highest spiritual worlds to the realm of everlasting Archetypes, the great sound-forms upon and by which the physical universe is modelled. Therefore, he said, the music of the Creative “Word” passes on to the lower worlds, where lesser Hosts formatively echo and re-echo it, thereby building all Nature’s varied forms. Since the Great Artist of the Universe perpetually creates, the Creative Symphony is ever being composed and ever performed. Angels and men live amidst celestial harmonies, the everlasting music of the spheres.

Such, in part, is the vision which once I had and which still lives with me. With it there has come the knowledge that, in their real existence, the Gods who once were so near to men were none other     than the Angelic Hosts, that throughout the great racial darkness they have still been near, though unperceived, and that the time approaches when again the Major Creative Powers and Beings, the laws by which Cosmos emerges from chaos and the place of humanity in the vast process of divine manifestation will become apparent to mankind. For that day, it was intimated, man may well prepare. Ugliness must be banished, war must be outlawed, brotherhood must reign, beauty must be enshrined in human hearts and revealed through human lives. Then to a humanity united in one fraternity the High Gods will reveal their immortal loveliness and lend their aid in building a new world in which all men may perceive and serve the Supreme as Beauty and as Truth.

New Zealand

The following illustrations by Ethelwynne M. Quail, based on the researches of Geoffrey Hodson, and the accompanying information, was given out in the book, The Kingdom of the Gods by Geoffrey Hodson in 1952.


As far as my experience goes, variations of this type of primitive sea fairy are commonly to be seen skimming the surface of the oceans and the lakes of the world. Relatively undeveloped, the sea nature spirit has as yet little or no form. There is a rudimentary head which is the seat of consciousness, whilst a current of streaming white force suggests a body and a wing. More complex examples, with two or even more wing forms, are also to be seen.

These creatures fly about the surface of the oceans in innumerable hosts. Sometimes they rise high into the air; at others they plunge into the water to reappear in a few moments in a flash of white light, catching the eye with its brilliance. After a moment’s concentration required to focus the appropriate power of vision, the swiftly moving, bird-like form appears to the observer, somewhat as painted by Miss Quail. The distance from head to tip of wing would vary from three to twelve feet, according to phase of manifestation and stage of development.


The sea nature spirit evolves into the type of sea sylph here portrayed. This example has reached individualisation and, with countless similar and different beings, may be seen in the upper air, chiefly above the seas. The average height of the central form at this level of evolution would be from ten to fifteen feet.


Since, like their relatively formless element, nature spirits of fire are without a fixed form, descriptions of them are somewhat difficult to obtain and record. The suggestion is received of an underlying human shape, limbs and “hair” being build of streams of rushing fiery energy and only rarely conforming in shape and position to the human frame.

The face, however, when not veiled by auric flames, is distinctly human in appearance. Quite non-human, however, is its expression, whilst the upward-slanting eyes seem to be lit with a kind of unholy delight in the destructive power of their element. The face is triangular, chin and ears being pointed, and the head surrounded and outlined by flickering, orange-red flamelets, through which shoot flashing tongues of fire. Salamanders vary in height from two or three feet to the colossi of fire-power who are the Fire lords associated with the sun.


 This is one of the many types of non-individualised sylphs commonly to be seen in the air over the land. It is in swift motion, with shining inner aura streaming in beautiful, wing-like shapes behind and above it.

Interpenetrating and extending beyond the form and aura here portrayed are the finer radiations, not shown, characteristic of every member of the Angelic Hosts. They are generally ovoid, composed of many brilliant hues, and extend for several yards on every side of the beautiful form within.

The orange sylph is possibly associated with the solar life-force or prana with which the air is charged, and which constitutes the vitality of all organic forms. The height of the central figure of the sylph is about five feet.

5. A LORD OF THE TREE FERNS - [Newara Eliya, Ceylon]

 Whilst the building Orders of the Gods play all important parts in solar and planetary creative processes, another Order is concerned with the evolution of consciousness within form. Trees and forests also receive similar assistance, the classical concept of the dryad of the trees being founded upon fact. Nearly all well-grown trees have attached to them, in addition to innumerable nature spirit builders, an advanced nature spirit or a God which throughout its life remains within or linked to the astro-etheric double and the aura of the tree. The presence of such a being, through the constant play of its thoughts and auric energies, greatly quickens the evolution of tree life and consciousness. Such nature spirits and Gods are subordinate to more advanced beings in charge of groups of trees of the same genus, as are found in large woods, forests and jungles. 

The tree fern God here portrayed was observed over the jungle in the mountain district of Ceylon, near Newara Eliya. Such a being assists the evolution of form and the unfoldment of consciousness of a very large number of tree ferns. It is of interest to observe that the patterns formed by the flow of the lines of force in the aura of this God reproduce within it certain of the tree fern forms.

The central form of this being is some fifty feet tall. The aura, however, is capable of extension for at least one hundred yards in all directions and was thus expanded when first seen high in the air, about a mile away. In the picture the outer aura is omitted and the inner aura is shown in phase of contraction, as when the God graciously hovered for a few minutes of mental communion. Through both form and aura currents of force, presumably from the tree fern Archetype, play down into successive areas of the jungle as the God moves above its domain and ministers to its charges.

6. A LORD OF THE PINES - [Cape Peninsula, South Africa]

 This being was observed in association with groups of stone pines in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. as the picture shows, the colouring and the lines of force in the inner aura – the outer is omitted – suggest somewhat the needle-like foliage of the pine. Many well-grown pines were found to have their own tree God resembling the one here portrayed, but smaller in size and lower in evolution. The stature of this God is about thirty feet.

 7. A TREE NATURE SPIRIT – [Madioen, Java]

his sixteen-year-old Waringan tree grows in a garden in Madioen, in the Island of Java. It was planted by the lady of the house, who became much attached to it and felt it to be a living, conscious being from whom , she assured me, she received a sense of friendliness and rest.

When taking tea beneath its welcome shade, I became aware of the presence of this delightful tree nature spirit or dryad. I found it to be approaching individualisation, or evolution out of group into individualised consciousness [on the deva path of evolution], and to be well aware of the affection of the owner of the tree and responsive to it, which would beneficially affect its development. This nature spirit is approximately five feet tall.

8. A MOUNTAIN GOD – [Harrismith, OFS, South Africa]

Here is portrayed a mountain God intimately associated with the element of fire. It was observed at Loskop Mountain, near Harrismith in the Orange Free State, South Africa. the remarkable arrangement of the auric forces and the brilliant colouring are unique in my experience. Both are well portrayed in this fine example of Miss Quail’s art. The central figure at the time of observation was partly within the mountain and some fifty feet tall. A greatly extended outer aura, here omitted, shone with simitar but more delicate hues.

 9. A MOUNTAIN GOD – [Drakensberg, Natal, South Africa]


This being was observed in the Drakensberg Range in Natal. Two of the  most striking features were the remarkable mitre-like effect produced by the uprush of forces from the head and shoulders and the brilliant, four-funnelled force-centre in the region of the solar plexus through which power was flowing into the mountain below. The axes of the rapidly spinning funnels formed an equal-armed cross, the arms of which met within the form of the God and pointed forwards, backwards, to the right and to the left. In this picture the effect of translucency, characteristic of the appearance of all the Gods, is well portrayed. In the process, however, the impreeion of the tremendous power of the God and of the passage through it at high voltage of mighty forces from above, also of brilliance and radiance, is perhaps, not conveyed quite s adequately as in other pictures.

Watching this God throughout successive days, I was reminded constantly of the vision of Ezekiel. Certain currents in its aura were arranged in the shape of upward-pointing wings, far more three-dimensional than any picture could suggest. The chakras received and compreeed the descending forces, which were then directed into the mountain below. The central form in this case is at least sixty feet tall and it I s one of the most majestic and splendid members of this Order of the Angelic Hosts that I have ever been privileged to behold.

10. A MOUNTAIN GOD – [Drakensberg Range, Natal, South Africa]

This God was also observed in the Drakensberg Range in Natal, presiding over the region known as the Amphitheatre at Mont aux Sources. I have more than once received evidence of similarity of types and appearance in the various Gods of one mountain range. Comparison with the previous one reveals a similarity between the two Gods of the Drakensberg Range. In both of them the wing-like radiations and the intensely brilliant, vortical force-centres or “wheels” were noticeably common characteristics. The God is shown in phase of expansion, the auric wings extending at least half a mile from tip to tip, whilst the outflowing and descending energies have a very much greater range. In this picture, part of the outer aura is included. The central form is at least sixty feet tall.

11. A MOUNTAIN GOD – [H.H. Mountains, CP, South Africa]

The picture portrays the presiding God of a mountain range, which was observed high above one of the peaks of the Hottentots Hollands Mountains in Cape Province, South Africa. as I observed and gave my description to the artist, the downflow of power was os great and so brilliant as almost to conceal the form and aura of the God. The chief colours shown were lavender, gold and white, the central form of the God and the aura immediately surrounding it shining in those hues with a dazzling radiance quite impossible to reproduce. The uprush of golden-coloured, fiery power above the head was particularly brilliant, bestowing upon the God the appearance of a majestic Deva King wearing a crown of flames. In all cases of devic direction of natural energies, however prodigious the outpouring of power may be, the God always gives the impression of complete mastery of the forces flowing through and all about it. the central figure is at least eighty feet tall.

Saturday 18 October 2014


For eons humanity has always been under the control of some Being, Beings, God, Gods, Kings, Emperors, presidents, prime ministers, conquerors, religious leaders, popes, ”devils”, ”angels”, and so on. Some were benevolent and some were malevolent. Each had, and still has, its run and its part to play in this planetary life drama of the human beings captive on this planet. We know it is part of our evolutionary development and part of the clockwork of the Universe. Every tide and cycle has its time and destiny; its cause and effect in the greater circle of life.
In the beginning we had Godly Kings with the divine right of Kings that slowly made way for Earthly Kings and later elected and none elected officials that became more and more evil as we progressed and experimented on our own because as Hu-mans, or God-men, we had to learn to stand all by ourselves and eventually take charge of this planet. Evil was let loose so that the good can come out at a faster pace. The world has a Spiritual Hierarchy that has a White Lodge and a Dark Lodge and under their control is the evolutionary development of everything and everybody on this planet from the lowest atom to the most spiritually advanced human being.

The only reason why we have so much war and mayhem on this planet, accept of the obvious reasons for money power or materialism, is to either retard or enhance the spiritual evolution of humanity. Their methods and the results speak for themselves. Some methods and results may look evil but can have a benevolent effect in the long run for the greatest amount of people. In the end our bodies or the forms do not matter, only the spiritual evolution of our souls. Some forces though, are working to enhance the form with the intent to develop better bodies for more advanced souls as our evolution proceeds.  

As you realize by now, evil is part of the control system on this planet where Jews are playing a great role. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. They, the Jews, are being used to speed up the evolutionary development of humanity and it was always meant for them to take humanity to breaking point so that the good in us can come out. The Zionists leaders know this and are achieving this through carefully laid planes where the Protocols of Zion is their Bible and guidebook. Be prepared to believe anything bad and evil that you hear about them because evil has no boundaries or limitations [even human sacrifice and the drinking of the blood of babies] – everything bad goes and they have the power and freedom to do it. They have “God” [the Dark side, the Holy Spirit,] on their side at the moment – something that is hard to understand – but good and bad are just two sides of the same coin where good has no boundaries either. The thing is that the Zionists, the rulers of the Jews and humanity, have now come under the influence of Cosmic Evil [Inter-dimensional beings called Archons, Draconians or even Aliens] that was not part of the original game-plan. On the one side we have the Ten Commandments and on the other the Protocols of Zion. Between the two is humanity [under the guidance of Christ] struggling through evolution on its way to enlightenment. The system works but it is hard for any individual to see the big picture as long as his judgment is clouded by looking at it with the eyes of any religion because dogmatic believes do not allow for truth to cypher through to the narrow minded for it is part of the control system.  

We need Light to see and conquer the Darkness. Also remember there are two factions of the “illuminati” that we hear so often about, one for good and one for bad – the biggest problem is that we cannot distinguish between the two and their workings. Sometimes they even work together. On a higher level, the level of the “Gods”, they are actually one but our brains cannot fathom that.

Some of these Alien forces are working with the development of human bodies and their genetic manipulation so that the human souls have adequate bodies to carry on their evolution into the future; all part of the enhancement of our normal evolution. But it now looks as if something evil has crept in and is threatening to highjack the genetic manipulation projects of the benevolent Inter – dimensional beings or Aliens that was done in conjunction with human scientists. The Human Manipulators, the slaves or agents of this evil force, might even plan to take over the whole world for themselves. We might be in very deep danger but that is not our problem bat the problem of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as Master DK has pointed out.

The thing is the manipulation is going on at a fast pace now and many people all over the world are waking up. They are becoming aware of the manipulation and the manipulators but are not yet able to completely bring two and two together, thus the reason for all the conspiracy theories. They do not know the inner workings of the manipulators and their true agendas. Some of us are equipped with the necessary knowledge to find out but that is a long proses as far as the average person is concerned and it might even turn out to be a total waste of time and effort on our part. Need to know knowledge might be better in this case than useless information that we can do nothing with at this moment in our evolution accept a lot of harm. The system must stay in place as long as there is need for it to be doing whatever it is that it is doing. Some of us still need this system in place to guide us and misguide us till we wake up and reach the point where we realise we have been programed from birth and been manipulated all our lives. Only then can we set ourselves free.

We must be able to see the negative forces and all their evil for what they are - a control system, and we have to be able one day to see the positive and good forces for what they are - a control system. When we see the game for what it is and we are no longer amused by it. Then we have reached the stage where we can say: “I see you for what you are and want no more part of you both. I take back my own space. I am no more, and I am no more that. At last, I am free, AND I AM WHAT I AM.”

In the end it comes down to:

1.       Recognising the wholeness of all

2.       our place in this wholeness

3.       our service to this wholeness

The following is a good video about the manipulation going on:

Let’s take a look at the philosophy of somebody who has taken back his space and has freed himself from the Controllers. He ended up making a complete mockery of the whole system created by man but he forces you to think for yourself.

Please read the rest at:

Tuesday 14 October 2014


The partial Sealing of the Door where Evil dwells          


Just what do these words mean?  More than I can tell you or put into words, for the problem of evil is too difficult a one for the average man to grasp.  The problem of the Hierarchy (if I may put it both accurately and yet symbolically) is to liberate the good, free the beautiful, release the true and "immure in prison under seal" that which is not good, that which breeds ugliness and hate, and that which distorts the truth and lies about the future.  I have chosen all these words with care; their meaning is obvious, but there are significances far too deep and dangerous for you to grasp.

 It has been humanity—cumulatively and over millions of years—which has released evil into the world.  Thoughts of hate, deeds of cruelty, lying words, sadistic action, selfish intentions and the foulest kind of ambitious selfishness have created a pathway to the "door where evil dwells."  Evil is in reality of two kinds:  There is that innate tendency to selfishness and to separation which is inherent in the substance of our planet; of it all forms are made and our planetary Logos inherited it from the residue left over from a previous solar system.  That is something unavoidable and something that provides mankind with a needed opportunity and one which men are well equipped to handle and control.  There is that in them which can transmute and change it, and it is this that basically constitutes the Science of Redemption.

But humanity has not chosen to exert itself in this redemptive activity, and for thousands of years has been controlled by that which is material; it has thus constructed the "broad and easy way" which leads to the place where another kind of evil dwells—an evil which is not indigenous to our planet, an evil with which it was never intended that men should deal.  For untold aeons, the Hierarchy has stood like a shield, guarding humanity.  But with the coming of a greatly increased mental development, with the repudiation of the Hierarchy by the bulk of humanity, and by the prostitution of religion to material ends and narrow theological and mental tenets, the Hierarchy has been forced (much against its will) to withdraw some measure of its protecting power (though not all of it, fortunately for mankind).  The way to the door where evil dwells was unimpeded, and humanity opened wide the door.  The entrance for what might be regarded as cosmic evil was first opened in the decadent days of the Roman Empire (which was one reason why the Christ chose to manifest in those days), was opened wider under the corrupt regime of the Kings of France and, in our own day, has been opened still wider by evil men in every land.

Remember that the evil to which I refer here is not necessarily the foul and vile things about which people speak with bated breath.  These are largely curable and the processes of incarnation eventually purify them.  The true nature of cosmic evil finds its major expression in wrong thinking, false values and the supreme evil of materialistic selfishness and the sense of isolated separativeness.  These (to speak again in symbols) are the weights which keep the door of evil open and which precipitated upon the world the horrors of war, with all its attendant disasters.

The realisation of what was happening did more temporarily to unify the world and heal the cleavages among nations than any other thing.  The nations of the world allied themselves with the Forces of Light to a very large extent, and little by little, cosmic evil was forced back and the door which "conceals the place of endless death and hides the countenances of the Lords of wicked pride and hateful lust" was partially closed, but not entirely shut; its final closing and sealing is not yet accomplished.

There are certain areas of evil in the world today through which these forces of darkness can reach humanity.  What they are and where they are I do not intend to say.  I would point out, however, that Palestine should no longer be called the Holy Land; its sacred places are only the passing relics of three dead and gone religions.  The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion.  To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form.  Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere.  Therefore, Jerusalem stands for nothing of importance today, except for that which has passed away and should pass away.  The "Holy Land" is no longer holy, but is desecrated by selfish interests, and by a basically separative and conquering nation.


The task ahead of humanity is to close the door upon this worst and yet secondary evil and shut it in its own place.  There is enough for humanity to do in transmuting planetary evil without undertaking to battle with that which the Masters Themselves can only keep at bay, but cannot conquer.  The handling of this type of evil and its dissipation, and therefore the release of our planet from its danger, is the destined task of Those Who work and live in "the centre where the Will of God is known," at Shamballa; it is not the task of the Hierarchy or of humanity.  Remember this, but remember also that what man has loosed he can aid to imprison; this he can do by fostering right human relations, by spreading the news of the approach of the spiritual Hierarchy, and by preparing for the reappearance of the Christ.  Forget not also, the Christ is a Member of the Great Council at Shamballa and brings the highest spiritual energy with Him.  Humanity can also cease treading the path to the "door where evil dwells" and can remove itself and seek the Path which leads to light and to the Door of Initiation. THE RAYS AND THE INITIATIONS, p752/5


On page 681 Master DK put a name and a face to the evil forces that are in control of the world today:

The leaders of the Zionist movement of aggression constitute a real danger to world peace and human development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A.  It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world.  It is the Zionists who have perpetrated the major act of aggression since the formation of the United Nations, and who were clever enough to gain the endorsement of the United Nations, turning the original "recommendation" of the United Nations into an order.  The rule of force, of aggression and of territorial conquest by force of arms is demonstrated today by the Zionists in Palestine, as well as the demonstration of the power of money to purchase governments.  These activities run counter to all the plans of the spiritual Hierarchy and mark a point of triumph of the forces of evil.  I am emphasising the activities of these two countries because through the leaders of these groups of aggressive men the forces of evil—dammed back temporarily by the defeat of the evil group which Hitler gathered around him—have again organised their attack on the spiritual development of humanity.
The world today still remains divided into people of evil intention and great power and their victims, plus the negative reactions of the remaining nations.  There is no nation in the United Nations which has attempted to swing the tide of evil by ranging itself and other nations on the side of freedom.  There are only groups of unillumined men who seek to control national destinies.  There is still emotional reaction to situations and the emotional exploitation of individuals and nations by those who are in no way emotional but who are mentally convinced that certain lines of activity must be followed, leading to their own individual good but which—in the long run—are not good for the peoples involved. [DK]

As you realize by now, evil is part of the control system on this planet. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. They, the Jews, are being used to speed up the evolutionary development of humanity and it was always meant for them to take humanity to breaking point so that the good in us can come out. The Zionists leaders know this and are achieving this through carefully laid planes where the Protocols of Zion is their Bible and guidebook. Be prepared to believe anything bad and evil that you hear about them because evil has no boundaries or limitations [even human sacrifice and the drinking of the blood of babies] – everything bad goes and they have the power and freedom to do it. They have “God” [the Dark side, the Holy Spirit,] on their side at the moment – something that is hard to understand – but good and bad are just two sides of the same coin. The thing is that the Zionists, the rulers of the Jews and humanity, have now come under the influence of Cosmic Evil [Aliens, Dracos and  inter-dimensional beings] that was not part of the original game-plan. On the one side we have the Ten Commandments and on the other the Protocols of Zion. Between the two is humanity [under the guidance of Christ] struggling through evolution on its way to enlightenment. The system works but it is hard for any individual to see the big picture as long as his judgment is clouded by looking at it with the eyes of any religion because dogmatic believes do not allow for truth to cypher through to the narrow minded and it is part of the control system.  

In the light of the above information I have found the following article of great interest because I know without a doubt about the evil of the Zionist rulers of men and where their power comes from. I believe most of the following to be based on true facts and that there is a good change that everything mentioned might be true. Allowances must be made for the fact that the writer and researchers had no access to esoteric information like the above and the other articles on this website. I intend to bring the following article in line with our esoteric knowledge.

 You can find the following article at Veterans Today website below:

And you can follow it up here:

 I think this is a good compilation of current information that is available on the internet right now to tie the Zionist and the Aliens [cosmic evil] together. I had to copy it because you never know when it might be taken down. Apparently some good disclosures have been involved into bringing this information into the open for a very good reason.

Please exchange the word “Luciferians” with “Satanists” because the writer of this article is writing from the perspective of a person with a Christian background, no occult training, and has no information as to the true meaning of the word Lucifer, which means Light bearer and just the opposite of evil which is darkness. We need this Light to see and conquer the Darkness. Also remember there are two factions of the “illuminati” that we hear so often about, one for good and one for bad – the biggest problem is that we cannot distinguish between the two and their workings. Sometimes they even work together.

Some of these Alien forces are working with the development of human bodies and their genetic manipulation so that the human souls have adequate bodies to carry on their evolution into the future; all part of the enhancement of our normal evolution. But it now looks as if something evil has crept in and is threatening to highjack the genetic manipulation projects of the benevolent Aliens that was done in conjunction with human scientists. This evil force might even plan to take over the whole world. We might be in very deep danger. [EDGEBA]

 Here is the article:

Alien Agenda




Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Space War matters and Alien ET visitors.

If you have not examined all the evidence of such matters that was presented in previous Secret Space War articles, you are probably wasting your valuable time reading this and it will seem like nonsense to you.

You are not allowed to know this information by the Powers That Be (PTB). They don’t really care what you believe as long as it is plausibly deniable, but they have gone to extreme limits by controlling the USG, the Judiciary, the Major Mass Media and the Educational System to make sure you cannot know these things for sure.

The particular Alien ET group which allegedly made this Ultimatum [explained below] in the first place which was communicated to this exclusive group by a spokesman is believed to be the Dracos [Draconians]. This Ultimatum was reported by an insider and corroborated by another. And it is believed by numerous insiders that these Dracos are represented by and aligned with the World Zionists (WZs) working out of the City of London Financial District and through their main Action-Agent Cutouts, Israel leaders and their Assets inside the American Establishment.
Please read the full article here: